Polling Results
The polling is your opportunity to tell the EOC about your priorities and preferences regarding different aspects of Hong Kong Parliament’s establishment.
And, see below what Hongkongers said about the recent polls!
The 4th round “Polling: Do you have any recommendation on Election commission member?” and “Polling: In your opinion, what shall be the most important role if Hong Kong Parliament?”

Results of Polling 5: In your opinion, what shall be the most important role if Hong Kong Parliament?-II: In your opinion, what shall be the most important role if Hong Kong Parliament?)
- 凝聚香港人資源、力量及民意
- 記念為香港犧牲既人
5-II 選舉委員會人選民調結果
The 4th round “Polling: In your opinion, do the following group of people qualify as a voter in the upcoming Hong Kong Parliament elections?”
Results of Polling 4: In your opinion, do the following group of people qualify as a voter in the upcoming Hong Kong Parliament elections? (4-I: individuals who are non-Chinese ethnic but born in Hong Kong and lived in Hong Kong for over 7 years – left and 4-II: Individuals who have either one of his/her parents as a Hong Kong citizen, but these individuals were neither born in Hong Kong nor lived in Hong Kong for over 7 years – right)
Total votes counted: 174
第三輪民意調查 《香港議會選舉投票年齡於議員數目民意調查》
The 3rd round “Polling: The voting age for HKP & The number of HKP members”
Earlier (2023 Feb 23 – Mar 1) HKPEOC hosted the first polling.
Age 18 and Age 16 were the top-voted answers for “The suitable voting age for HK Parliament”; and, 35 MPs and 25 MPs were the top-voted answers for “Number of MPs in the HK Parliament”. Based on the above polling result (click here for detail), HKPEOC is hosting a 2nd round of polling for these two topics.
The HKPEOC will develop the best suitable solution base on this polling result.
(Note: “Actual number of MPs and its ratio to candidates” will be another polling.)
Results of Poll 3-I: The suitable voting age for HK Parliament (left) & Poll 3-II: Number of MPs in the HK Parliament (right).
Total votes counted: 143
The 2nd round “Polling: Voting Eligibility of the Hong Kong Parliament Election”
To protect voters’ personal information and identity, The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) neither performs voter registrations nor keeps a voter list. However, voting eligibility is an important issue to maintain the legitimacy, acceptance, and global recognition of the election and its results. Therefore, identity verification is necessary to verify voting eligibility. Once verified, the voter will get a lifetime key to vote, the key is supposed to be untraceable and cannot be reserve engineered.
This polling is a preliminary intention collection, a process of “bottom-to-top” democratic building process. After collecting your intention, the HKPEOC will investigate and develop detailed methods for the top two voted options.
Results of Poll 2-I & Poll 2-II: Voting Eligibility of the Hong Kong Parliament Election.
Total votes counted: 636
Below are the other suggestions from respondents regarding the identity verification method.
- 不能讓第三者取得投票人的任何信息,因為對在香港的香港人會構成危險
- 可否有投票方式video 或示範
- 可以考慮先b方法證明香港人身份,之後派login同password。此過程只是給證明香港人身份不涉及任何投標成分。 第二部分,基於擁有login和password的人自身是否投票自行作出決定。
- 網頁問題 我選a和實體認證 因為網上認證不經人手很大機會被共匪網軍攻擊
- 感謝貴會努力,但講真連區諾軒都叛變,好似無咩肯定安全嘅投票方法!
- 上傳身份證等
- How to protect privacy is…
- Online options (A, B &…
- 不建議認證
- 因為今次係第一次做,冇人知你哋做成點,寧願小規模咁做、用最安全嘅方法/地方進行。反正今次只係登記資格。
- 虛疑貨幣其實可以用作登記及投票
- 唔好浪費時間搞咩認證,你點認證人地都有辦法滲透 最直接既辦法就係你捐錢先有份投票(公司股份制),唔捐錢就無份,民主本身就係納稅人會議來,唔交稅就無資格投票,香港議會無對領土行駛任何實則控制權,搞股份制理所當然。 共產黨要滲透最起碼都要課金比貴議會,單單呢點你已經大幅提升對方統戰成本,最起碼你賺左共產黨既錢先,係咪?
- 即場拍攝香港(永久性)居民身份證及上載
- 也可以無需之前做認證手續,可以讓投票者每次投票時,向工作人員現場或網上,出示香港永久身份證,就可以投票。
- How do I know CCP…
- Base the security and performable…
- 實體投票站可以與網上自行認證投票並行,而仍然能夠保障到每人不會重複投票。 方法是,在實體投票站,當場協助做網上「自行」認證和投票,即是最終仍然是歸於同一投票渠道。 這做法還有一個益處,就是為(某些老人家或)科技盲/科技慌張人士,仍然可以在協助下投票,維持公平,讓有投票權的人盡量容易投票,是良好做法! 如設有hash這小小安全科技,就已能保障,網上認證投票,不能重複投票。
- 用Blockchain 投票啦,咩年代了
- 接洽國際特赦組織或其他國際組職監票,不應該用義工來監票,以防止滲透或是有不公現象
- verify by an overseas Justice
- Alternative that could erase digital..
- Blockchain!
- 投票 同 資金 可以分開進行 資金可以眾籌…
- Blockchain technology
- 投票資格要保護人在香港的安全,希望香港議會有萬全的準備
- 製作與投票相關的手機應用程式 讓選民下載使用
- need to have more progranda..
- 认证过程需要杜绝共产党卧底。宪法内容必须杜绝共产党CCP/cummunists和由政府分配私人财产这类的社会主义socialism.做前提,不容修改。
- How do we prevent organizations..
- 能否以《香港約章》做基礎,撰寫未來的《香港憲法》?https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/news/htm/hk-charter-03152021041925.html 推高香港會投票率之建議 1. 投票須保密、簡單、快捷、免費 2….
The 1st round “Polling: The voting age for HKP & The number of HKP members”
Results of Poll 1-I: The voting age for HKP (left) & Poll 1-II: The number of HKP members (right)
Total votes counted: 484