Declaration of HKPEOC in Response to Defamatory Allegations

Declaration of HKPEOC in Response to Defamatory Allegations

We, the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC), hereby address an issue concerning some recent malicious allegations against the HKPEOC which plausibly give rise to public’s doubts casted upon HKPEOC’s mission.

It has come to our attention that certain individuals have labeled our election plan as a “scam” in the absence of any concrete evidence. In refuting those unsubstantiated allegations, we are taking a firm stance that any, libel, slander, defamatory or unfounded allegations against HKPEOC or our individual member(s) will not be tolerated. We expressly reserve the legal rights to take action against the defamers.

HKPEOC is a non-profit and non-partisan organization established by Hongkongers living overseas for the purpose of facilitating the establishment of ‘Hong Kong Parliament (HKP)’ through universal suffrage. Our mission stems from the principles of representation, unity, and empowerment.

We vow to commit ourselves in serving HongKongers with a goal to recover democracy and self-determination for the community through transparent means.

We are aware of some individuals’ concern since HKP is emerging with a novel concept, especially in the realm of politics. We hereby unequivocally state that those false allegations of our election plan being a “scam” are baseless and unmeritorious. With utmost sincerity, we openly invite those who are doubtful about HKP to constructively engage with us in good faith. Our door is open for dialogue and we are happy to clarify any questions surrounding HKP’s functions.

We understand the importance of trust in any democratic endeavor. As such, we are dedicated to sustain the highest standard of integrity, accountability, and credibility throughout our journey. We hold ourselves accountable to all HongKongers, whether living in or outside Hong Kong.

We stand unwavering in our pursuit of democratic values and the well-being of our fellow Hongkongers. We call upon all HongKongers to come forward with a spirit of understanding and mutual respect. Together, we pave the way for a brighter future for Hong Kong.


22th Aug, 2023

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[香港議會籌委會發聲明 譴責港共政權損害港人普選權]

[香港議會籌委會發聲明 譴責港共政權損害港人普選權]








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2022年12月3日,兩位籌委袁弓夷和何良懋,應邀出席「溫哥華手足」(Van Activists HK, VAHK) 組織,在大溫列治文市舉行的社區對話座談會,講解香港議會組織目的及如何操作等問題,約40人與會,現場發問踴躍,會後有參與討論的手足私下表示,積極考慮加入籌委會一道為籌備選舉工作而打拚。

HKPEOC’s response to the declaration by the Hong Kong Security Bureau

HKPEOC’s response to the declaration by the Hong Kong Security Bureau

The Hong Kong Government has severely condemned the “Hong Kong Parliament” (HKP) today. The government claims Elmer Yuen (Yuan Gong Yi), Leung Mau Victor Ho, and Baggio Leung Chung Hang formed a committee to establish a “Hong Kong Parliament” with overseas activists and are suspected of contravening the offence of subversion under Article 22 of the National Security Law.

The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee’s response is as follows:


We believe in popular sovereignty – the authority of a state and its government or law should be the expression of the general public’s will. All citizens have the right to contribute personally, or through their representatives, to its formation.

The Hong Kong Government’s declaration that three of the HKP’s electoral organizing committee members, who allegedly committed the offence as stated above, are now on a wanted list is unjustifiable. No Hongkongers will consent to this hilarious move of the Hong Kong Government. We organize the Hong Kong Parliament with genuine representativeness who can truly represent Hongkongers.

It is our honor that we are wanted by this unjust and illegitimate regime.

We shall never back down to dictatorship. To liberate Hong Kong, we will work in full gear to establish a Hong Kong Parliament that can truly reflect the will of the Hongkongers.

Ends/Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Issued at HKT 23:45 Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee

Statement of Elmer Yuen (Yuan Gong Yi)

On the Arrest Warrants Issued by the Hong Kong Security Bureau

On August 3, 2022, the Hong Kong Security Bureau, on behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, issued warrants for the arrest of Mr. Victor Ho, Mr. Baggio Leung, and me. The government accused us of violating the “National Security Law” by engaging in “actions subverting state power”.

Our so-called “crime” is to establish a committee to prepare for an election of a new Hong Kong Parliament. Unlike the current system in Hong Kong, this election, which is scheduled for 2023, will be based on the principle of universal suffrage. We hope that an elected parliament will legitimately represent the voices and the interests of the Hong Kong people. Everything we have done so far falls squarely within the framework of modern democracy.

In 1960, the United Nations granted all peoples of colonies to gain their independence by referendum. The Chinese government, however, denied such referendum and took away the sovereignty of Hong Kong in 1997. Since then, Beijing has repeatedly violated its promise of “One Country, two systems,” unlawfully and violently depriving the people of Hong Kong freedoms, such as the freedom of speech, assembly, and association. It has turned Hong Kong from a civil society with an English legal system into a typical communist tyranny. It has destroyed economic prosperity and further limited political openness in Hong Kong. On June 30, 2020, the Chinese People’s Congress passed the Hong Kong National Security Law. Since then, Beijing has governed Hong Kong with political terror. Many critics of the Chinese Communist Party have been arrested and given long sentences in prison. All independent media organizations have been forced to close. Hong Kong has descended into darkness. Peoples of the world have lost faith in what was once the “Pearl of the Orient”.

A group of Hongkongers dedicated to freedom and democracy in Hong Kong determined to establish an institution, through universal suffrage, to give the people of Hong Kong a voice. I am part of the effort. In this new parliament, different voices can speak out. Such an institution is the foundation of any modern democratic society. The fact that the current Beijing-appointed government demands our arrest shows its lack of confidence in its own legitimacy. It relies completely on violence to suppress political challenge.

I will not back down. Our quest for freedom will continue. Tyranny will be defeated eventually.

God bless Hong Kong.

Statement of Leung Mau Victor Ho

On the Arrest Warrants Issued by the Hong Kong Security Bureau

Our goal is simple: through organizing a Hong Kong parliamentary election, we will restore the unalienable right of suffrage to the Hong Kong people.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council is totally controlled by the Chinese Communist Party at this point. The regime denied the right of the people to directly elect all members of the Council in a fair, just, and fear-free election. Such an election, based on the principle of one-person-one-vote, is the election standard of the international community.

On August 3, the Hong Kong government issued arrest warrants for three members of the Electoral Organizing Committee. I am one of the three. This shows how afraid the current Hong Kong government is of a true democratic election, and thus tries to use violence to suppress the right of suffrage of the Hong Kong people.

The road to the restoration of a prosperous and free Hong Kong must go through universal suffrage. Free election is the only means to reflect the true will of the people.

Article 68 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong set the goal of direct popular election of all members of the Legislative Council. Why is pursuing such a goal now a crime?

The arrest warrants will wake up more Hongkongers. They will realize that without true democracy, Hong Kong has no future.

Statement of Baggio Leung Chung Hang

On the Arrest Warrants Issued by the Hong Kong Security Bureau

On August 3, the Hong Kong Security Bureau issued an arrest warrant against Mr. Elmer Yuen, Mr. Victor Ho, and me, accusing us of “subversion of state power”.

The Beijing-appointed Hong Kong government charges us for preparing a free election of a Hong Kong Parliament. Such an election will provide the Hong Kong people at home and abroad an opportunity to elect an institution that truly represents the people of Hong Kong.

It is more accurate to say that we, the accused, are all Hongkongers. We love Hong Kong. In the eyes of the current regime, it is a crime. Here are the true crimes which deprived the political rights of the Hong Kong people:

  • In 2014, the Chinese government announced the so-called “831 Decision,” officially rescinding its commitment to universal suffrage in Hong Kong.
  • In 2016, the Hong Kong government began the practice of arbitrarily disqualifying candidates and democratically elected members.
  • In 2020, the Beijing government enacted the Hong Kong National Security Law, taking away the remaining freedom of assembly and expression for Hongkongers.

I ran for election to the Legislative Council in 2016 and became a member of the Legislative Council. Subsequently, I was disqualified by the regime for swearing allegiance to Hongkongers, instead of Beijing. As a democratically elected representative, it is my first and foremost responsibility to serve the well-being of the Hong Kong people.

That is why I decided to join the Preparatory Committee of the Hong Kong Parliament, in the hopes of building a democratic platform for Hong Kong people to speak freely against the threat of white terror.

How ironic and nonsensical it is that we want to form a Hong Kong parliament that truly represents the people of Hong Kong but are now wanted and threatened by a “government” without the authorization of the people.

I will not bow to dictatorship. I will make every effort to participate in the preparation of a freely- elected Hong Kong Parliament that will give the people their voices.

The Electoral Organizing Committee Hong Kong Parliament (“The Committee”) is formed by a group of Hong Kong citizens, including, but not limited to, former elected legislators, prominent journalists, scholars, businessmen and professionals. Core members include:

Leung Mau Victor Ho

Chairman of The Committee. Journalist and YouTuber. Lecturer in journalism of several universities.

Baggio Leung Chung Hang

Chairperson, Public Relation Sub-Committee. Former elected member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council.

Elmer Yuen (Yuan Gong Yi)

Chairperson, International Affairs Sub-Committee. Initiator of the “Hong Kong Parliament”.

Hong Kong and US Industrialist,

HKSAR Citizen in Exile & Japanese resident

1949 Born in Shanghai (Fluent English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese)

1957-1968 HK grade & high school

1968-72 US College Education (Engineering)

1973-96 CEO Tele-Art Ltd. HK. (Electronic & Digital Watch manufacturing)

1985-1990 Invested and supported 4 companies public on NASDAQ

1994-now CEO of Golden Bridge Technology Ltd. (3G & 4G Technology Patents)

1990-1996 Founder of 3 Mission Hills Golf Clubs (in Shenzhen & Thailand)

1996-2006 Lived & worked in Manhattan (ran Golden Bridge Technology in NJ)

2006-2016 worked & lived in Beijing & Shanghai (advising Chinese state enterprises and acquiring natural resource rights for China)

2016-2020 lived & worked in Russia & Mongolia (Gas Pipes Russia-China via Mongolia)

2020-now live & work in USA as a KOL against CCP for Hong Kong (Lobbying worldwide to criminalize CCP)

2020 Founding HK Freedom Beacon Foundation (to liberate HK from CCP)

Contracted Michael Pompeo & Miles Yu as Senior Consultants

2020-now HK Advisor for Committee on the Present Danger: China

2021 Utilized HK Freedom Beacon Foundation to fight CCP Propaganda & Mainstream media Disinformation

2022-now Founded an Elected Hong Kong Parliament and lobbied for recognition of HK sovereignty for HK citizens
