- This topic has 10 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 05/23/20231:06 pm by
香港議會不能不做,不做的話,一切原地踏步,<wbr />但做又有嚴重的安全問題,到頭來少人投票,又未必有代表性,<wbr />香港議會可否給選民選擇是否提供數碼身份認證,<wbr />不擔心安全的香港人,比如不用回港的可選擇數碼認證,<wbr />要回港的可不用認證,或作實體投票由義工認證,不留記錄,<wbr />希望香港議會可因應要求作出不同安排。
Just a word of friendly advice: It appears that you have brought up an issue worthy of consideration, but if you want others to take you seriously, try coming up with a sincere web name.
多謝你寶貴的意見,公關組已將。閣下意見轉達技術支援組Technical Support Group, 請耐心等候他們回覆。
喜歡這個筆名,可影射那位香港人又恨又愛的一男子。<wbr />但我的問題是認真的,期望香港議會早日回答。
I suppose I spoke too soon, and let me congratulate you on your choice of an imaginative, eye-catching name. However, I must have missed some of the more recent developments, as I could only catch the surname of this most hated figure (and “loved”, for his unintentional title of the “father” of Hong Kong independence) and nothing else. Would you mind telling us what the rest of the name means?
On the topic of voters’ ID verification, aren’t you concerned for this election’s credibility if anyone could claim to be a Hongkonger and vote without any method of authentication? After all, HKP’s aim is to approach all reputable, duly-elected governmental organizations that could make a real difference. Hence, credibility is paramount.
Setting up physical voting stations should be a good idea, and one that has been implemented as a common procedure. But, in this instance, what is the assurance that no CCP operatives would jeopardize the security of the procedure by masquerading as volunteers and taking secret recordings of voters’ ID?
Quite apart from your concerns, I look forward to your concrete suggestions to overcoming these obstacles and other comments.
Just like you, my questions are also very sincere. As a result of carefully thinking through my questions, I aim at finding ways to come to a solution. I am sure that your aim is the same and just as honourable.
What are your concrete suggestions to my concerns arising from your questions?
Please follow up on my concerns to your questions/suggestions and share them with us.
Please do not be a one message wonder.
Booda Chitgan
其實,用網上身份認證軟件如 Trulioo等,用埋VPN做,身在香港嘅香港人都唔洗驚。
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Please contact the committee directly and let the members know. It needs your help.</p>
It needs to come up very soon with something concrete that could be shown to work.I am surprised that the IT people who are helping out have not come up with something concrete already.
Thank you.
I reckon that some secret “trades” will be kept secret to themselves. As what DI has said, CCP may infiltrate anywhere to gather information of voters, volunteers, committee members for future whatever use. I can understand that why HKPEO is not that upfront to tell everything. If I were one of them I would not tell everything, to be honest
Dear Ruby,
I have responded to your comments in the other message chain entitled: ASK NOT WHAT HONG KONG CAN DO FOR YOU; ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR HONG KONG. I would appreciate if you could review my response in it.
I obviously am in total agreement with you that sensitive information must be kept secret. However, the time has come that the Committee MUST provide adequate information on the progress of the election process to maintain public support. We have to admit that, to date, nothing concrete has been disclosed. (I have discussed the specifics of what might be disclosed without compromising the need for secrecy in my other message chains.)
I have detected a lot of frustrations and resentment in many other comments in Elmer’s show. That is not conducive to the success of HKP’s formation. As the election is slated to be completed by the end of this year, disclosures are vitally needed now to preceed each step of the process.
A rough draft of the election rules needs to be disclosed to bolster public interests and discussions before candidates are announced. A proposed ratio of elected members versus the number of candidates must be disclosed. The method of upholding voters’ ID security must be confirmed and demonstrated to be effective. All these arrangements must be made known to the public before each of these steps are taken. They should be followrd by other announcements as the election progresses.
It is very frustrating that Victor Ho, as Chairperson, would not mention, at this late stage, anything whatsoever that is concrete regarding specific arrangements to be taken. I have not mentioned Elmer because I fear that he is facing some frustrations himself due to the lethargy of the Committee.
I remember vividly that, in one show, when Elmer criticized these other ex-pan-democrats and their respective sidekicks/KOLs for working against HKP’s establisment, Victor quickly stopped Elmer and uttered the antiquated catch-all phrase of “brothers climbing the mountain…etc.”. I shudder at the thought of what that reveals and the damage that it may cause. The biggest damage to the movement is inaction while pretending to be actively involved.
Thank you.