Image of Hong Kong Protester waiving flash lights



The polling is your opportunity to tell the EOC about your priorities and preferences regarding different aspects of the Hong Kong Parliament’s establishment.

Thank you for participating in the public polling. The polling results are an important part of HKPEOC’s research and analysis. (Please note that online polling is not run on a precise random sampling, data collected might not be able to represent the opinion of all Hong Kongers)

Polling 4: In your opinion, do the following group of people qualify as a voter in the upcoming Hong Kong Parliament elections?

民意調查5-I: 《我們現正籌組選舉委員會,你認為有甚麼合適人選?》

民意調查5-I: 《有關選舉委員會之人選提議》


Poll 5-I: Do you have any recommendation on Election commission member?

We are now constructing Election commission, any recommendation on member?


香港時間 六月十日 00:00七月九日 23:59
Jun 10 00:00 - Jul 9 23:59 HKT


The poll has expired!

民意調查5-II: 《有關香港議會最重要的功能》

民意調查5-II: 《有關香港議會最重要的功能》


如選擇了以上的都不是,可在討論區留言或者Send Email至

Poll 5-II: In your opinion, what shall be the most important role if Hong Kong Parliament?

If None of above options represent you, You could left a comment on  forum or Send Email to

香港時間 六月十日 00:00七月九日 23:59
Jun 10 00:00 - Jul 9 23:59 HKT


The poll has expired!
