
候選人 ⑩ – 岑偉強

姓名:岑偉強 ( Shum Wai Keung Samuel )

 本人在廣華醫院出生。父母都是在中國大陸出生的中國人, 60年代初移居到香港,在油麻地唐樓租住一個房間。童年時,搬進觀塘區的16層徙置區居住,在這裏接受幼稚園到中學的教育。經歷長達10年中學教育,逢二進一,考上了城市大學,得到物理學理學士的學位。第一份工在觀塘區的工廠,受聘為見習工程師。隨着工廠北移動,本人也轉工到一些珠江三角洲的工廠工作,經過10多年後,工廠也繼續北移到長三角,浙江上海一帶工廠工作。基本上,我的公司都是在香港,有需要時會到國內一天至一星期的工作。 






I was born in kwong wah Hospital. Both parents were Chinese born in mainland China. They moved to Hong Kong in the early 1960s and rented a room in Yau Ma Tei. When he was a child, we moved into the 16-story relocation area of Kwun Tong District, where I received education from kindergarten to secondary school. After 10 years of secondary education, sometimes repeat and repeat to higher level, then went to City University of hk and obtained a bachelor’s degree in physics. The first job was in a factory in Kwun Tong District and was hired as a trainee engineer. With the move of the factory to the north, I also worked to some factories in the Pearl River Delta. After more than 10 years, the factory continued to move north to the Yangtze River Delta, Zhejiang and Shanghai area lto work in factories. Basically, my company is all in Hong Kong, and I will work in China for a day to a week when necessary. 

After graduating from university for 10 years, I went to Hong Kong Polytechnic University to study for a master’s degree in business management in the evening. After five years of hard work, I completed this degree. 

During my undergraduate summer vacation, I travelled to Europe alone to broaden my eyes and change my life and the idea of Western democracy and freedom. I also continue to change my work organisation, including local companies, Taiwanese companies, Japanese companies, etc., and large multinational enterprises, such as Disney and Walmart, continue to train and work in different workplace. Due to the COVID closed city in 2019, and I moved to the UK with my family in 2022. 

Now, I set up a consulting engineering company in the UK to help the world’s colleagues to study and improve the production process of engineering, as well as some product quality management issues. 

I am also a trainer/ officer of a uniform youth group in church. I have served here for twenty years. Every weekend, I accompanied with teenagers to help and motivate them to understand themselves, and build his own good personality and behaviour through managing his own uniform and marching, experimenting learning, also involving service to the hk society. 

I hope that I can involve for the 2025 Hong Kong parliamentary election. If I got the place, I surely will do my best to put forward my personal opinion and suggestions on the future development of Hong Kong in every aspect. I will definitely do my best to explain to all voters and jointly build a democratic, enlightened and accountable new Hong Kong. Thank you very much! 
