
 候選人 –  林斌 (林松)

姓名:林斌 ( Lin Bin) / 林松 (Lam Chung)

1. 自我介紹

我出生於中國廣東中山一條農村,父親是醫生,母親是護士。出生的時候,父母給我起的名字是林松。兩歲的時候,由祖父母帶了去香港生活,在香港長大,擁有香港永久居民身份。在香港九龍深水埗入讀「定遠小學」,使用林松這個名字,一直到中學畢業。香港身份證早期姓名英文為「LAM Chung」。

由於中學時期開始寫作文藝,使用「林斌」作為筆名,其後申請把身份證上登記的名字改為「林斌」,英文使用漢語拼音改為「LIN Bin」。


1991年從香港移居澳洲,1997年榮獲新南威爾斯大學政治學博士學位(PhD in Political Science, University of New South Wales)。一方面一直從事新聞工作,經常在傳媒發表時事分析;一方面,在澳洲從事中文教育,擔任校長十多年。

2011年榮獲新州州長頒發聖佐治社區服務獎個人成就獎(St George Community Award Individual Achievement Award),2012年獲好市圍(Hurstville)市長頒發「澳洲日成就獎」(Australia Day Achievement Award),2014年應邀出席澳洲首都堪培拉國會議事廳內中共總書記習近平演講會(批評中共者中罕有收到請柬者),2015年應邀出席澳洲總理晚宴,同年獲委任為澳洲新州太平紳士(Justice of the Peace NSW),2019年開始擔任Ryde市議會多元文化諮詢委員會成員。


2. 學歷

1997年榮獲澳洲新南威爾斯大學政治學博士學位(PhD in Political Science, University of New South Wales)。博士論文:《論中國的人權概念》(On the Concept of Human Rights in China)
1991年榮獲澳門東亞大學社會科學碩士學位(Master of Social Sciences in Government and Public Administration, University of East Asia, Macau)。碩士論文:《香港民主的發展》(The Development of Democracy in Hong Kong)

3. 工作經驗

曾經擔任香港《中報》、《商報》、《天天日報》、《百姓》半月刊記者,香港《新報》、《金融日報》編輯,《大時代》總編輯。曾經長期撰稿於香港《信報》、《香港經濟日報》、《快報》、《亞洲週刊》、《Hong Kong Standard》等。

4. 抱負


5. 為什麼參選?


6. 當選後會做的事情

6.1 通過香港議會會議,關注香港的轉變,作出相應的回應。
6.2 特別關注偽「香港立法會」的不作為,以及香港法官服從政治而非法治的錯誤。
6.3 對香港2014年、2019年以來的政治審判,作出回應。
6.4 關注北京對香港的打壓,聯絡各方,呼籲國際關注。
6.5 成立各專責小組,由議會成員擔任組長,邀請各方義工加入,提出建議。
6.6 香港議會成員本身,以身作則做好民主示範角色。針對中共輿論經常造謠污衊爭取民主者收受金錢利益,以及香港偽「立法會」罔顧財政赤字逾千億元,偽「立法會議員」及行政長官等高官都不願意減薪,建議香港議會第一屆議會成員通過,明確不受薪。公務遠行,可視情況另行規定。


I was born in a village in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. My father was a doctor and my mother was a nurse. When I was born, my parents named me LAM Chung (林松). When I was two years old, my grandparents took me to live in Hong Kong, where I grew up. My early Hong Kong ID card had the English name “LAM Chung.” I attended Ting Yuan Primary School in Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong, using the name LAM Chung until I graduated from secondary school.

During my secondary school years, I began writing literature under the pen name “LIN Bin.” Later, I applied to change the name on my ID card to “LIN Bin,” using the Pinyin romanization for the English version.

When Deng Xiaoping implemented the “Reform and Opening-up” policy in mainland China, I was influenced by the “Understanding the Motherland” trend and became one of the first batch of Hong Kong students to study in the mainland, gaining a certain level of experience and understanding about mainland China. Due to my writings defending Wei Jingsheng and interviewing mainland democratic activists, I was labeled with the “counter-revolutionary” political label, which I consider an honorable political title.

After graduating from university, I returned to Hong Kong and worked in journalism, writing current affairs features for Pai Shing magazine. Later, I was invited to teach at the Department of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, guiding journalism students in newspaper editing and news covering.

In 1991, I moved to Australia from Hong Kong. In 1997, I received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of New South Wales. While I continue to work in journalism, frequently publish current affairs analysis in the media, I have also been engaged in Chinese education in Australia, serving as a Principal for over ten years.

In 2011, I received the St George Community Award for Individual Achievement from the Premier of New South Wales. In 2012, I received the Australia Day Achievement Award from the Mayor of Hurstville. In 2014, I was invited to attend a speech by Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Australian Parliament House in Canberra (a rare invitation for critics of the CCP). In 2015, I was invited to a dinner with the Australian Prime Minister and was appointed as a Justice of the Peace in New South Wales. Since 2019, I have served as a member of the Multicultural Advisory Committee of Ryde City Council.

In 2021, I ran for the Ryde City Council in New South Wales, Australia, and successfully defeated a pro-CCP incumbent councillor.
