Speechless again

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    • #5621 Reply

        Dr. Gong: Nothing we can do on the outside will exterminate the CCP. The CCP could only be overthrown by forces from within China.

        Also Dr. Gong: No forces from within China could topple the CCP. The Chinese are too brainwashed and the repressives forces not strong enough to cause an uprising.

        Conclusion: Resistance is futile. We should all abandon the idea of a HKP and go home and sleep.

      • #5657 Reply

          Can you provide the sources of what you are talking about? Thank!

        • #5658 Reply

            You are no doubt familiar with the various discussions between Elmer and Dr. Gong on the CCP during the past three years in Elmer’s program on YouTube. Please refer to the meandering presentations of Dr. Gong in them.

            Thank you.


          • #5659 Reply

              A  most recent representative episode could be found in yesterday’s program. In this May 19, 2023 program, Dr. Gong said unequivocally that the Chinese and the CCP are effectively one and the same, and that they neither have the will nor the awareness to oppose the CCP. Dr. Gong also said in so many words that the CCP rule is irreplaceable no matter how “bad” the rule is.

              Please feel free to respond either in English, authentic real Chinese, or Hong Kong Cantonese. I do not respond to the unauthenticated, handicapped Chinese shorthand.

            • #5661 Reply

                Please do not be a one message wonder.

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