Ed Chin deletes message

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    • #6921 Reply

        In his program with Tony Choi within the hour, Ed Chin once again deleted a message within minutes of the message’s first  appearance.

        The message ridiculed Chin by reminding him that he has a short memory. The message stated that Chin seems to have forgotten that he, in his naivety, wanted to write a letter to xi during the uprising.

        Also, Chin once again brought up the subject and asked Tony whether the ex-pandemocrats’ detainment is karma, as referred.

        We all know that Elmer did justifiably say something to that effect. By his statement, Chin’s attack on Elmer remains unabated.

      • #6933 Reply

          Again, Chin said that anyone with a heart should sympathize with these ex-pandemocrats because they have sacrificed themselves. Chin remains unchanged. He is still inferring that Elmer is cold-hearted.

          I seldom see someone with such a curious combination of connivance and stupidity.

        • #6937 Reply

            Contrary to what was said in the many consecutive messages left by an enthusiastic contributor in Chin’s program with Tony Choi today, Elmer never said that he was sympathetic to the ex-pandemocrats because they were led astray by the CCP. Rather, Elmer vehemently admonished the ex-pandemocrats for contributing to Hong Kong’s plight today.

            If my guess is correct, the ex-pandemocrats are trying to align itself with HKP through Chin’s efforts, after seeing its increasing recognition.

            Be vigilant of a wholesale acquisition on their part accompanied by an erosion of universal values.

          • #6938 Reply

              This is further illustrated by Chin’s first inviting Sasha Gong and now Tony Choi and Johnny Fok to his “forum”.

            • #6943 Reply

                Chin also invited Simon Cheng.

              • #6947 Reply

                  In his program today, Elmer once again made it clear that the ex-pandemocrats never acted in our best interest. Elmer, in effect, said that they colluded with the CCP and helped postponed universal suffrage.

                  Elmer never said that he sympathizes with them because they were misled by the CCP.

                  We must be vigilant of messages which appear to support the HKP but in fact maliciously and subtly try to alter your perceptions.

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