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    我們需要處理有些手機沒有NFC(讀護照晶片)功能,現在新手機商開始遺棄NFC,例如 Motorola Stylus G 系列。要買/處理外置讀卡機的問題,和公布/偵測那些手機型號並安排解決方案。

    There are a few smart phone vendors phasing out the NFC feature, which is necessary to read the chip in your passport. The notable ones are Motorola Stylus G series. We might need alternate plans to detect such lack of NFC feature and prepare easy to use external card readers.

    大家可以試玩一下護照 NFC (免費, NFCResearch Lab in Hagenberg 奧地利的大學 NFC 研究中心寫的,沒有理由有鬼祟嘢)。我連自己BNO張相片都讀到:

    Here’s a free app you can try to read your passport. It’s made by a University Research Lab in Austria so it’s supposedly safe.

    NFC TagInfo – Apps on Google Play

    NFC TagInfo by Michael Roland (NOT NFC TagInfo by NXP, which is not user friendly)
