The United Nations (UN) required all colonies to develop self-government. At that time, Hong Kong was on the list.
The Chinese government wanted HK for its own economic growth. The UK government agreed to initiate HK's ownership transfer without doing any consultation or organizing any universal suffrage for the Hongkongers to decide their fate.
The dark age was brought to Hong Kong and its citizens. The UK and the Chinese government signed the Sino-British Declaration. Between the end of the 1970s and 1997, there was a huge outflow of Hongkongers to other countries to escape from the tyrannical CCP.
July 1, while China celebrated owning HK, the misery of Hongkongers had just started. Although China had promised “50-year no change”, Hong Kong only got 5 years of peace. Then the CCP began to force the puppet HKSAR government to gradually prepare to introduce laws that restrict freedom of assembly and speech.
The CCP ordered the HKSAR government to reform the electoral system in order to prevent the pro-democratic camp from entering the LegCo. This triggered a series of sit-in assemble, which eventually evolved into the Umbrella Movement that ended with armed forces clearing the road with tear gas.
Exploiting a murder case in Taiwan, the CCP enforced the passing of the extradition law in HK. That first triggered legal professionals' immediate response, serious declaration and warning. However, the HKSAR government turned a blind eye, stimulating millions of Hongkongers to march throughout the months.
Followed by tear gas, rubber bullets firing and armed force beating demonstrators on June 12 are series of badge-covered armed force violence, real bullet shooting and CCP-backed triads beating citizens. With surrounding and clearing universities with thousand shots of tear gas. Hong Kong was doomed, just as on June 4, 1989, in Beijing.
The revolution ended in pain and silence. Under the National Security Law, information about the revolution ceased to spread. News agencies were swept by police, opposition political parties were wiped out.
In 2022, a group of Hongkongers announced to organize an international election to form the HKP.
The hope for all Hongkongers to cast their votes and form the Hong Kong Parliament.