TO HKPEOC: DON’T PRETEND TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY, 討論群 › 主討論群 › TO HKPEOC: DON’T PRETEND TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY, This topic has 1 則回覆, 1 個參與人, and was last updated 09/01/20238:23 下午 by Team3@HKPEOC. 正在檢視 1 則發表的回覆 作者 文章 1 9 月, 2023 11:54 上午 #7318 回覆 Dl TO HKPEOC: DON’T PRETEND TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY, 1 9 月, 2023 8:23 下午 #7344 回覆 Team3@HKPEOC版主 HKP has been working very hard to promote democracy that was not allowed in HK. We understand that there are rooms for improvement and we will continue our goal until we will achieve it one day. 作者 文章 正在檢視 1 則發表的回覆 Reply To: TO HKPEOC: DON’T PRETEND TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY, 您的資訊: 名稱(必填): Submitting 取消 提交