Do you know who this character is?

討論群 主討論群 Do you know who this character is?

正在檢視 12 則發表的回覆
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    • #5529 回覆

        1. Prays and does nothing else but prays.

        2. Drives fast in heavy snow without any regard for the safety of other road-users. Gets a big speeding ticket and keeps whining about it.

        3. Losing an argument on an important political issue but promptly changes the subject by accusing the other party of not keeping his wotds to meet.

      • #5530 回覆

          4. Keeps poking at the other party who is already upset at this character while simultaneously telling the other party to calm down.

          5. Keeps asking for donations using every online payment vehicles available but has nothing to show with these donations except his travels and having a good time.

          6. Pretending to be sad about “political prisoners” but never does anything for them except praying.

        • #5531 回覆

            7. Asks if it is against the so called “Hong Kong security law” by forming HKP.

            8. Refers to Xi as the chairman and Li as the executive.

            9. Wants to re-instate the so called “one country two systems saying that it was intended to work.

          • #5532 回覆

              10. Wants CCP to last forever so the character could pretend to fight it forever.

              11. Tries to set the other party up by repeatedly asking for a concrete time-table for HKP’s establishment so that the character could discredit the other party if it’s not on schedule.

            • #5533 回覆

                12. Never gives a straight answer. Always convoluted in a reply. Never responds directly to another’s point of view. Never looks anyone directly in the eyes.

                13. Always makes sure to remind people that  the character went to the same “prestigious” secondary school as a “political activist” who is now under detainment.

              • #5534 回覆

                  14. Always good at innuendo such as pretending to care about the other party’s well-being when that party had to stop driving and get help after getting stuck in a snowstorm, when in fact the character was implying that the other party was reckless and so is not worthy of leadership.

                • #5535 回覆

                    15. Thinks that it is possible to have a dialogue with Xi and Li. Thinks he has the political might to get the “prisoners” released with the dialogue that never happened. Until now, this character never took any concrete steps to resolve even one issue.

                    16. Implies repeatedly and in many devious ways that the other party is cold-hearted and does not care about those in detainment.

                    • #5536 回覆

                        Dear Dl,

                        Thank you immensely for your insightful recommendations and fervor regarding the successful implementation of voting procedures and the formation of the future Hong  Kong Parliament. Rest assured,our moderation team will dutifully relay your thoughtful suggestions and concerns to the HKP Electoral Committee.

                        Wishing you a splendid day or night, as it may be.

                        Warm regards

                    • #5555 回覆

                        Dear Moderator,

                        Thank you for your kind compliments.

                        I noticed some recent encouraging changes to the approaches in feedback from HKPEOC. I am pleasantly surprised, and is getting more so at the calibre of these responses. Elmer, together with other members, has found really good helpers.

                        Accordingly, it is apt to adopt a quote referred to by ROC President Tsai, which, translated my way, goes something like this: “When your virtues are intact, you will always find helpful neighbours”.

                        I intend to be pleasantly surprised further still.

                        With kind regards,

                      • #5556 回覆

                          17. Thinks “One country two systems 1.0” is acceptable as long as the character could go back and take up a post at a certain foreign reporters’ club. The emphasis is on foreign, as in Caucasian, which the character considers superior to Asians.

                          18. Likes to show off this character’s English in front of Asian non-native speakers but gets tongue-tied before native English speakers.

                        • #5557 回覆

                            19. Has been a long-term citizen of a North American country and is now back in that country but acts as though has been displaced from Hong Kong.

                            20. Was one of the first “pro-democracy freedom fighters” who left Hong Kong in a hurry after the “security law” eas imposed.

                          • #5558 回覆

                              21. Deletes comments that vehemently criticizes this character but pretends that it never happened.

                              22. Just like many other famous and elitist “pro-democracy freedom fighters” who have fought “bravely” for democracy  but actually don’t really want it and want democracy all to themselves, this character is against a fair, open, and full election.

                              Still has no idea who this character is?

                              Well then, you are just too simple and sometimes naive.

                              And you may be cheated once again.

                            • #5560 回覆

                                Dear Di,

                                Your kind words acknowledging our endeavors are greatly appreciated. Our aim extends beyond just backing the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Committee (HKPEOC); we wholeheartedly stand with all the denizens of Hong Kong, akin to you and me.

                                As for the “character” you’ve alluded to, your detailed portrayal paints a vivid picture, one that even the most innocent minds could interpret.

                                We will make certain to relay your sentiments to the HKPEOC.

                                With warmest regards

                              • #5570 回覆

                                  Dear Moderator,

                                  Thank you for your kind words.

                                  I sincerely wish that moderators for Team 1 and 2 are not one and the same person or persons. If so, HKPEOC is stronger for it. I need no response from this. Just my personal musing.

                                  I congratulate you on your observations. History is full of these “characters”, who carry on unchanged today. Foes pretending to be friends. While irritating and obnoxious, they generally can do little harm until or unless a situation presents itself, then their little sabotage scheme may cause a big detrimental effect. Grand schemes have been jeopardized because little attention was paid to them. This is what we have to watch out for. We need to keep our optics clear.

                                  Who would have thought that those who appeared to have led the fight for democracy are actually against the basis of democracy. Stranger things have not happened and it is horrifying to say the least.

                                  With very kind regards,

                              正在檢視 12 則發表的回覆
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