回覆至:選舉法草稿集中討論 Discussion on Election Regulations

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    To VO2Max (cont.):

    4. Is it necessary to disclose the identities of the HKPEOC members to gain credibility when it is the result of their work that speaks for itself?

    5. Is there any concrete evidence to show that Elmer’s past dealings with the CCP which would render him to be a CCP operative or spy?

    6. Is the reason for these overseas youtubers not supporting the HKP’s formation based on their support for the “elites” to keep on representing us without a democratic election?

    7. Is it true that the responsibility is on these youtubers to recognize the value of universal suffrage and voluntarily join the movement?

    On behalf of every Hongkonger, I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you.
