回覆至:Please improve this site’s layout and English usage.

討論群 主討論群 Please improve this site’s layout and English usage. 回覆至:Please improve this site’s layout and English usage.


    <p style="”text-align:" left;”>One of the major steps to maximize voters’ turnout lies with a demonstration that there is no risk of ID leaks.</p>
    An effective demonstration could be: Set up several IP addresses only for the sake of the demonstration. Keep sets of this info in secure containers. In a life broadcast, invite senior executives from renowned law or accounting firms or similar organizations, to keep these items for safekeeping within a specified period. At the end of the period, invite the same people to disclose the IP addresses. During the same period before disclosure, invite anyone online to try to uncover these addresses. If attempts are unsuccessful, then ID security is virtually established. Doubtless, CCP operative will still dream up ways to descredit this demonstration, but common sense should prevail. And any such attempts may likely backfire.

    The important thing is, whatever the steps taken, they must show to an apprehensive voting public that the entire process is secure.
