回覆至:選舉法草稿集中討論 Discussion on Election Regulations

討論群 主討論群 選舉法草稿集中討論 Discussion on Election Regulations 回覆至:選舉法草稿集中討論 Discussion on Election Regulations


    To NB:

    The rules for the initial election could only stipulate rules as regards matters that concern the initial election only.

    The HKPEOC which prepares these rules has no authority whatsoever to dictate anything which is concerned with the Constitution of Hong Kong.

    The HKPEOC cannot order the HKP to do anything about setting up the constitution.

    Only a democratically elected parliament may create a constitution.

    A constitution may only become law once it passed a referendum.

    Only a democratically elected parliament may call and hold a referendum.

    Thank you for your attention.




