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Hong Kong belongs to all Hongkongers. It could only be saved by all of us.
Do not rely totally on a HKPEOC or its staff, or an Elmer Yuen as our savoirs. They are only here to help. It is unfair to place all the responsibilities on them.
<p style="”text-align:" left;”>Actively participate more by writing informed and considered articles to this forum. Discuss and debate the issues with the ones you know, even if they hold a different point of view. Everything promotes public interests.</p> -
Great line adopted from JFK
Many people are brought up to expect others to do things for them, in public matters.
They forget they are actually the public, and can take responsibility while enjoying rights.
Well said indeed.
It is nice to see more people start speaking and commenting. HKP needs more people like you and me. We should contribute more ideas instead of just asking questions.
Dear Ruby,
I have given quite a number of suggestions in my other message chains. Please feel free to go over them and provide your inputs.
I have just finished watching the show of May 23, 2023 by Victor Ho and Elmer. The show was produced on Victor’s channel called Media Analytica. Hoping for the best, I was going to wait until the end of the show before giving my comments. I have been having my suspicion for some time but was refraining from making the following comments. I hope I do not have to and regret that I have to make them now.
Victor Ho has fallen into the habit of discussing and analyzing issues ad nauseam. Anyone could find out about these issues on the US, the Ukraine, Taiwan etc. in detail on the net. But what is the progress on HKP? Without disclosing sensitive information, the HKP Electoral Committee, and especially Victor, as the Chairperson, and Elmer, as the Initiator, have a moral obligation to let all of us, as supporters, know about its concrete progress. A partial and careful disclosure at this critical time will not hurt but will greatly help this movement.
I hope that Victor Ho would not be side-tracked by YouTube and Patreon money. Victor must NOT value talk over action. If true, and I have a strong suspicion that it is, then it is revolting and repugnant. It is very infuriating when all one hears on these shows are discussions and analysis on matters that have no direct bearing on the most crucial matter at hand – specific progress on interim developments and difficulties facing HKP’s establishment.
As Elmer put it best, when admonishing Ed Chin on his endless whining of the situation: What is the solution? What is the action to be taken? Well, what is the solution and action to be taken, Elmer? The solution could be found by meticulous planning and specific disclosure of the progress without revealing sensitive information to enthusiastic supporters. The action is in specific steps taken, which must be revealed to gain popular support, unless it is all talk and no action.
Thank you.